“The Inside Secrets of Elite Traders – Trading Plan”
Elevate Your Trading to Elite Levels with the Ultimate Trading
Plan Blueprint
Unlock The Secrets of Elite Traders
As a serious trader, you know that consistent profitability requires more than just strategies – it demands a meticulously crafted trading plan.
Introducing “The Inside Secrets of Elite Traders – Trading Plan”, your comprehensive guide to developing a professional-grade framework for trading success.
This is what you will have access to:
Goals – Trading is a lonely business and no general dinner party conversation as your friends will not understand it. Having your goals right up front constantly reminds you what you are doing this for and keeps you focused on the desired outcomes and what you need to do to achieve them
Entry Signals – this is where every part of every entry setup is recorded in fine detail as a constant reference so the Trader does not get confused, and can reinforce the exact parameters of the setup. A large cause of losses is inaccurately placed Entries which were not accurate to what has been developed and recorded in the Trading Plan, we cover the steps of Identification and (importantly) Confirmation of the structure for reliability.

Exit Signals – This is where every tested exit structure is recorded in accurate detail in order to provide consistent, reliable exits, that are not reactions to what price appears to be doing, we cover the steps of Identification and (importantly) Confirmation of the structure for reliability.
Risk Management – We cover every area of Risk Management, including many areas that people do not think about including Platform Risk and Systemic Risk and also a new concept of perception of the Instruments.
Trade Management – the techniques developed to manage the trade to the best possible outcome for the entry or entries taken within the single run. Trade Management is also applicable to how and how many extra entries you are able to take in a longer run to achieve the best result you can.
Consolidation – This is the running of the business end of the Trading Plan. Trading is a business and should be run as such, this is where get in to how to adapt general business concepts can be adapted to the Business of trading. Things like Profit and Loss Statements, Balance Sheet, showing monthly / Quarterly / Half yearly / Yearly so you can gauge your results on each of these time frames and also observe accurately the effects of education courses you take and the effects of modifications you make to individual techniques.
Here we also cover what time we are going to dedicate to learning more, adding techniques to the plan and improving existing techniques etc
We also need to cover, how and if the rest of your family will be involved, what responsibilities each member will be assuming and how they will be working in conjunction with you.
Here we also explore Family as well as individual goals, and what each member is going to or can contribute to the Family trading growth.
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“The Inside Secrets of Elite Traders – Patterns.”
2nd Edition.
This book is the most detailed and specific book in the World on Trading Patterns. The ONLY book that details the identification, confirmation, entry setups and trade management to exit of 52 Patterns traded by the Author.
The difference between this book and the hundreds of other books written on this subject, is that this book teaches you how to make profitable trades using Patterns, all the other books are full of theory with no practical examples or applications.

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YES – the book is electronic delivery

Patterns Support Group
In addition to the book, we are also providing a Live Interactive Support Group on Telegram for purchasers of the book. This Support Group will provide a space where your questions regarding Patterns will be answered in real time.
Peter will also be posting Charts of Patterns as they are forming and subscribers will be able to ask questions regarding these.
1 month membership is included in the purchase of the book.