From Peter Varcoe - a more than 25 Year Veteran Trader,
Professional Educator and Respected Trading Author
Now, For All Purchasers of “Inside Secrets of Elite Traders – Patterns”, You Can Have Access to The Addendums To the Patterns Book Which Currently Have a Further 290 (approximately) Real Pattern Trade Tutorials that Peter has Taken in Addition to the 52 Tutorials at the Back of the Patterns Book.

Live Tutorials Of The Complete Process
In addition to the 52 Tutorials of real-life trades that are in the Patterns Book, you’re going to see around 290 more Pattern Trade Tutorials that I have taken. This is completely unique to this author, to put out there, the Actual Trades that were taken with full explanation of each step in the process.
Each of these examples will show you how to identify these formations as they are forming, how to confirm the formation for greater reliability, how to setup the Entry and Stop Loss positioning, how to manage the position as the price develops and how to protect your profit along the way.
I’m going to walk you through:
- How to identify the pattern early on
- How to confirm the pattern is worth taking a position with
- Exactly when to jump into making that trade
- How to make sure that your capital is protected
- How to protect your profit as the position develops
- Exactly when to say enough-is-enough and get out
Here are just some of the results my students are getting using the Support Group and The Addendums
Clear definitions about pattern identification, confirmation, entry & exit and lot of charts with explanations.
When I went through the Pattern identification rules, I get realized , they have come from extensive research, time & experience.
Its a quality content.
Along with it the most valuable thing I see is online support. My Today’s experience was a eye opener for me.
I posted a chart with my understanding of the topic & after cross-questioning by Peter I came up with completely different understanding and much more clarity.
Thank you Peter for providing this platform.
Abhijit Pokale, Netherlands
Now, more contextualized, I can say that your work plus the channels are of great value.
Besides, your approach for me is also appropriate respective with how you usually ask all of us to state our inquiries with examples, a proper chart if needed and a bit of prior work upfront. This type of teachings include knowledge that necessarily involved a lot of personal effort and cost for the teacher, and that must be emphasized and showcased.
And of course the value of your personal and constant interest and proactive support is far higher than the price of a book and the 12 months Support Group.
That is how I see and I respect you for that you do and not many others do.
Gonzalo, Spain
Ajay, New Zealand
I think showing your personal trading examples is fantastic and unique, I haven’t seen any other book with so many examples that teaches you to be patient and catch the full trend instead of just catching 1 Pattern and getting out of the trade.
The step by step process of these examples makes it so very easy to follow and understand.
Abdullah, UK, Private Trader 2 years.
Getting the theory of continuation and reversal patterns is something, seeing it in action is another. Examples are established in a step by step format that made the reader follow the process easily. This step by step format will help me to implement these strategies to my trading with less effort.
Alp, Private Trader – Turkey
David W, Private Trader, UK
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